For this book, “Anger control in Islam,” all the praises and thanks be to Allah for HIS kindness on me. A few years ago, I delivered a few Khutbahs’ in An-Nur Masjid in Christchurch on anger control, and then the idea to write a book about it came to my mind. I pursued my wish with great excitement, and I was very keen to learn and gain knowledge and put my pen to it. Alhamdulillah! Allah has made my dream come true. Now, I pray to Allah to accept my humble little service that I did only to gain HIS pleasure. To HIM I seek rewards. Ameen!
I would say that I tried my best to make this book a good reading with logic, stories, and authentic evidence from the Holy Quran and Hadis. My knowledge is limited, and there could be mistakes and shortcomings in it. I pray and hope, people with higher knowledge can be inspired to write better on this topic for the service of Islam and Muslims. Moreover, any correction is welcome, and most importantly, please make dua for me that Allah grants me accurate knowledge.
Writing a book is not easy, and it also requires dedicated friends who also love to serve Allah’s Deen for Allah’s sake. Some friends helped me with editing, or with other contributions, and for them is my heartfelt thanks and Dua. They are so humble that they helped not for name or fame but for rewards from Allah. So, I am not mentioning their names, and I pray that Allah grants them Paradise for their Khidmah (Service) for His pleasure. I will appreciate any suggestions or corrections. May Allah accept their hard works, and grant them proper rewards, Ameen! May Allah accept my small service for HIM as well. Those who will be involved in spreading, correction, and in developing the message in this book, may Allah grant reward for them as well.
Link to download the full book:
Farid Ahmed, MNZM
Quran Class Teacher, Masjid An-Nur,
Homeopathic Health Consultant
Christchurch, New Zealand
Date: 23/09/2024